Full Spectrum Solutions – Saving Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars with Canix

Switching from manual processes to Canix streamlined inventory management and significantly improved production efficiency and audit accuracy.
Full Spectrum Solutions optimized their SKU management, streamlined inventory processes, and saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in labor and operational costs by reducing unnecessary production and improving audit accuracy.

Company Overview

Full Spectrum Solutions is a vertically integrated cannabis operator in Maine, managing cultivation, production, and retail locations across both medical and adult-use markets. Their facility focuses on streamlining operations to enhance efficiency, increase product quality, and improve overall decision-making.

Key Stakeholder

William Bracher, Full Spectrum’s “Metrc Wizard,” oversees all inflow and outflow processes for their facility and kitchen, ensuring that retail locations are consistently stocked while optimizing the company’s operational efficiency.

Challenges Before Canix

Before adopting Canix, Full Spectrum relied on a combination of Excel sheets and manual processes to track inventory and sales. This led to significant inefficiencies, such as:

- Lack of accurate inventory visibility.

- Excess SKU production based on perceived demand rather than data-driven insights.

- Manual splitting of packages and creation of sales orders, which increased labor hours.

- Difficulty tracking discrepancies in inventory, leading to audit issues.

William described the earlier system as “so chaotic,” adding that it was often difficult to know how much of a product was needed, which led to poor decision-making around production. He noted,

“We sold Blue Razz gummies, but we didn’t know how many to make or whether they were even worth producing. We’d keep making them because someone thought they were selling.”

Solution: Implementing Canix

Since integrating Canix, Full Spectrum has seen dramatic improvements across their operations. William highlighted several key features of Canix that have transformed how the company manages its processes:

Clear Data Allowed Full Spectrum to Make Better Decisions for Production

Canix’s robust data integration allowed Full Spectrum to move away from an error-prone manual excel document, and better manage inventory. Through sales reporting and auto-allocation, William now has a clearer understanding of product demand and can make informed decisions, such as reducing SKU counts and adjusting production levels based on accurate sales data.

William emphasized,

“Having a rough idea of our inventory and being able to make educated decisions was a game-changer. We realized that some SKUs were just sitting on the shelves and taking up space, while others we could cut down on production to save costs.”

Production Optimization Led to Staffing Efficiencies

The reduction in SKUs had an auxiliary benefit as well. When Full Spectrum reduced the SKU count in the kitchen, they found they were also able to streamline their team as well. Previously, they had a team of three in the kitchen, but utilizing Canix, they were able to reduce this to two. William estimates saving $30,000 to $35,000 annually.

He noted,

“We’ve turned what used to be a three-person job into a one-person job. Overall, it’s probably saved us probably hundreds of thousands of dollars by optimizing our labor and knowing exactly what to produce.”

Improved Inventory and Audit Accuracy

Canix’s activity history and tracking tools have enabled Full Spectrum to track every step of their production process. This has eliminated previous issues where discrepancies in inventory led to uncertainty during audits. Now, they can easily trace back packages and verify correct inventory numbers.

William explained,

“Before Canix, it was hard to keep track of where a package was or how much product we had left. Now we can audit ourselves, and see exactly what was packaged into what, where. If we’re missing something, we can go back and see exactly where it went.”

Valuable Meta Data on All Inventory

Before Canix, Full Spectrum was only utilizing Metrc and spreadsheets, which had limited fields with no data standardization.

With Canix, Full Spectrum is able to add sub-types, branding, accounting types, and other essential fields to track their inventory.

Reporting Tracks Key Metrics

Full Spectrum also utilizes Canix’s clear reports to obtain critical message such as:

1. Adjustment reporting that shows Break rate on Chocolate bars, or how many are oxidized on transport

2. Waste loss per product

3. Visibility into what items are selling the most, at which locations

Results and Benefits

- SKU Optimization: Full Spectrum reduced unnecessary SKUs and focused on high-demand products, improving inventory turnover and saving shelf space.

- Labor Savings: The implementation of Canix reduced labor costs by streamlining inventory and packaging processes.

- Enhanced Decision-Making: Sales reporting from Canix provided Full Spectrum with actionable insights, enabling better product planning and more strategic growth.

- Audit Trail: Canix allowed Full Spectrum to track and trace all inventory movements, simplifying audits and ensuring compliance.

- Key Metrics: Canix has provided Full Spectrum with the ability to track important metrics for their operation

- Metadata Tracking: Canix has standardized reporting of key fields on inventory, leading to clearer and more actionable reports.


Canix has become an integral part of Full Spectrum Solutions' success, allowing them to shift from tedious, error-prone, manual processes to a more data-driven, efficient operation. The future looks promising as they continue to unlock Canix’s full potential, especially with potential integrations in cultivation and automated COA processing.

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