Canix Product Update - Harvest Activity History, Non-Cannabis on Pick Lists, and Inventory Aging Dashboard
February 10, 2022
Min Read
Emily Wanless
Head of Product & Implementation
🎉 What's New
Harvest Activity History Track cultivation activity from plant batch to harvesting and packaging. The Harvest Activity provides a comprehensive log of cultivation and packaging activity from the harvest when submitted from Canix. Learn more about the Harvest Overview and Activity History here.
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Non-Cannabis Inventory on Pick Lists Users can now add non-cannabis inventory sold on sales orders to pick lists for order fulfillment. When generating a pick list for a sales order containing non-cannabis inventory, select the option to include non-cannabis line items. Select the option to include line item notes to include more information for packaging teams when picking non-cannabis inventory.
Inventory Aging Dashboard View aging inventory by package date across item types, sub types, and individual packages. Total Quantity columns should only be used for count-based items, or items with the same units across all packages. Use filters and schedule emailed reports to help keep inventory current. Add your BI reporting requests for columns, filters or additional reports in Canix's Feedback section.
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Creating new users requires a user permission group be chosen before saving. Full Access and other default groups are already created, or customize your own groups under User Permissions. Full Access is the same level access that users previously had when set up without a permission group.
Packages created from a harvest will now prefill the Lot ID with that from the harvest to easily track cost and activity from seed to sale.
CSVs have been updated to display all details in a single row. Miscellaneous rows that were previously being generated have been removed and fixed.
Printing new vegetative tags when changing growth phases are now generated in the Custom Label creator to include more plant details on labels.
Buttons to create pick lists, invoices and credit memos have new names, but same functionality! View Invoice is now Generate Invoice, and Create New Invoice is now Generate New Invoice to change invoice settings.
Previous issues with certain workflows requiring a custom growth phase be selected is now resolved to be an optional selection.
🧐 In case you missed it
Share Non-Cannabis Inventory across Facilities - Facilities that share non-cannabis inventory can now manage these products and quantities in Canix across their licenses. Create or edit non-cannabis products to share with more than one facility, and any activity in those facilities will affect the same shared quantities.
Assign Package Owners - You can now assign Canix users to packages to track ownership during the inventory or sales process. Users can filter the Package Owner column for their name, and save their view to access their inventory quickly. Remove and move around columns to limit unnecessary columns in your saved view.
Unit Prices - Unit Prices on sales orders can now be entered with 4 decimals, and easily prefilled using sales price lists under Admin > Facility Data. Users can specify the number of decimals to display on unit prices in an invoice under Advanced Settings when creating an invoice. All total prices will continue to be displayed as two decimals.
Return Transfers - Generate return transfer manifests from sales orders for non-Metrc facilities to create paperwork for return transporters. Ensure an initial outgoing transfer is associated with the sales order, and at least one package is marked returned on the sales order, to access a return transfer option. Follow the steps here to create returns and return transfers in Canix.
BI Reporting Updates - We've been making weekly updates and additions to our BI reporting section. Head to Reporting to view new inventory aging tables in the Inventory Overview report, an updated CCA report for CA facilities without pricing on outgoing transfers, and a month-end report for RI facilities, to name a few. Looking for additional reporting views? Request new columns, reports or filters using the Feedback button in the navigation menu.
Metrc facilities will no longer see duplicate harvests when two harvests are combined in Metrc.
Canix has added a new column on the Packages table to view and filter return dates for returned inventory.
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