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Canix Product Updates December 2023

December 21, 2023
 Min Read
Luke Reinemann
Junior Product Manager

Date: December 21, 2023

What's New

Canix is excited to announce the following updates:

  1. Email Notifications for Non-Cannabis PAR Levels
  2. Copy & Paste Tags into Package & Plants Tables
  3. Intermediary Packages in Manufacturing
  4. Quantity Reservations in Packages & Non-Cannabis Inventory

See these new features and more below!

Email Notifications for Non-Cannabis PAR Levels

Keep low non-cannabis product levels from holding up your production with email notifications. For operators looking to run a lean business, PAR Levels can be set to make decisions about ordering simpler, and to help avoid under-stocking and over-stocking product.

See this help article and video for more information on setting PAR Levels and notifications.

Copy Paste Package & Plant Tags into Canix

Receiving lists of tags in an email, message or spreadsheet that you need to take action on in Canix? Quickly make updates and reduce errors with new support for copy and pasting a list of tags into the tag search on the Packages and Plants tables.

Watch this video to learn more about how it works:

Watch this video to learn more about copying and pasting tags into Canix.

Intermediary Packages

Align your processes in Canix with your physical processes using Intermediary Packages in Canix. These packages are in Canix only, and do not submit to compliance systems in order to track steps between item type conversions. Check your state's regulations as intermediary packages are not compliant in every step, such as when converting to a new form.

To receive early access as an R&D partner on this feature, please reach out to your CSM. We will release to all customers in a few weeks.

Watch our Intermediary Packages walkthrough to learn more

Watch our Intermediary Package walkthrough to learn more.

Quantity Reservations in Packages & Non-Cannabis Inventory

Reduce errors for unavailable non-cannabis inventory and packages in manufacturing processes with new quantity reservations. Source packages and non-cannabis ingredients set as inputs in manufacturing runs are now temporarily reserved while a run remains unsubmitted. Reserved quantities are deducted from the available quantities displayed in sales orders, inventory availability reporting, and manufacturing. New columns are available in the Packages table, and additional quantity details displayed at the top of the package detail page and the non-cannabis product page.

See here to learn more about quantity reservations.

Sales Order PDF

Align your sales order process in Canix with your physical sales process using Canix's new sales order PDF documents. Generate Sales Order PDFs from a Sales Order as an initial step before Invoicing. Sales Orders generally represent confirmation of the goods ordered, while a Sales Invoice PDF generally represent the request for payment for the goods, and are often provided at the time of transfer.

More Enhancements

1. "Credits" added to the Sales Detail Report

  • The Sales Order table in the Sales Detail report now includes "Credits". This table now gives the full picture behind the Sales Order totals including: Item Subtotal, Discounts, Credits, Delivery Fees, State Tax, Local Tax, Other Taxes, Totals

2. "Planted Date" added to all Plant views

  • The format for downloaded date columns on all tables was also updated to "YYYY-MM-DD"

3. Sales by Customer & Item Report

  • Use this report to identify new sales opportunities to sell additional Items to existing customers.

4. Last Order Date on Current Customers Table

  • See the last time a customer ordered and access full order history from current customers table.

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